Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Cultural framework Essay Essay Example
Cultural framework Essay Essay Aside from single perceptual experiences and resources available to the person and the community. intercessions aimed at cut downing and extenuating the spread of HIV infections must take into history the being of societal support systems in the community and society where persons are located. For one. the handiness of support either from friends. household. or community community influences an individual’s determination to follow or alter his or her lifestyle to mirror the aims of wellness publicity plans. At the same clip. the behaviours and life styles of an individual’s friends. household. or community itself may be advancing values and norms that contribute to HIV hazard factors. The experiences of the HIV Prevention Planning Council of the San Francisco Health Department ( 2004 ) point to the presence of three negative influences that prevent HIV- affected persons from seeking guidance and intervention and at the same clip ease the continued transmittal of the disease to the general public. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural framework Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural framework Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural framework Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The first among these factors is the prevalence of drug usage ( p. 14 ) . which promotes both the acceptableness of substance maltreatment as a signifier of diversion and hazardous sexual behaviour. These values are peculiarly dominant among San Francisco’s homosexual communities. whose population unsurprisingly have the biggest figure of HIV infections. A 2nd factor is San Francisco’s broad civilization ( p. 13 ) . which means that society may be more permissive of and may excuse hazardous sexual behaviour that would be deemed unacceptable in other topographic points. The turning acceptableness of hazardous sexual behaviour and the diminishing popularity of rubber usage becomes a motive for persons to prosecute in activities that expose them to possible HIV infection. Furthermore. the broad civilization within San Francisco’s communities may be reenforcing the acceptableness of drug usage. particularly among poorer vicinities. Zierler and Krieger ( 1997. p. 405 ) note that hapless communities may happen substance abuse appealing. or at least happen it unoffending. since it serves both as a beginning of support and as a beginning of diversion and stimulation. On the other manus. the dry being of racialist and prejudiced attitudes within broad San Francisco ( San Francisco Health Department. 2004. p. 8 ) may deter people of colour. homosexual. and male-to-female transgendered persons from seeking aid when they become infected by HIV due to the fright that they will be double stigmatized by transporting the disease. Although San Francisco’s broad values and attitudes may hold negative effects on attempts to control the HIV epidemic. these same values besides provide a positive influence in battling HIV. For one. San Francisco’s â€Å"progressive thought and broad policies†( San Francisco Health Department. 2004. p. 13 ) besides enables persons infected with HIV to easy derive the support of their friends. households. and communities. which could supply adequate encouragement for them to follow healthier life styles. San Francisco’s openness and diverseness besides allow persons to make and populate their ain life styles with minimum force per unit area to conform to dominant beliefs and values which could assist persons avoid popular but negative influences on lifestyle picks. Similarly. the broad civilization within many communities enables persons to seek support from equals such as the homosexual community when one’s ain household shows reluctance to supply support to the person affected by HIV. Clearly. HIV intercession plans could use the being of positive societal support constructions in a society in order to successfully battle HIV. At the same clip. these plans must be able to turn to and extenuate the negative influence of an individual’s societal support web. including the values and attitudes of friends or household members which discourage an person from altering his or her lifestyle to cut down HIV hazard and exposure. Works Cited: San Francisco Department of Public Health. ( 2004 ) . 2004 San Francisco HIV bar program. Retrieved February 5. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol: //sfhiv. org/documents/Complete2004SanFranciscoHIVPreventionPlan. pdf Zierler. S. A ; Krieger. ( 1997 ) . Reframing women’s hazard: societal inequalities and HIV infection. Annual Review of Public Health 18:401–36.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Great Expaectation, Pip and Estella essays
Great Expaectation, Pip and Estella essays A. Time what a peculiar concept. It is not only the passing of minutes, second, the ticking of a clock. It is also change. Change of people Change of places. B. Overtime Estella went through great changes in the way she viewed Pip.Estella is cruel and incapable of love yet Pip never stops loving her. A. As kids Estella thinks very little of Pip and treats him poorly. 1. Estella did not find Pip attractive 2. She barely considered him a person, She thought of him as a play toy her mother had gotten for her. 3. He was a companion Estella could play with, hurt and tease. B. When they are older Estella starts to think differently of Pip . She starts to regret her poor treatment of him and eventually they become friends. 1. Estella has previously been married but it was an unhappy marriage and her husband had been killed by a horse that he had miss treated. Pip is happy when he hears Estella is single again. Estella hears the news of Pip new found fortune. 2. Estella has many admierers and she deceives and manipulates them but she said she does not treat Pip in such a manner. 3. Pip comes to realize that they are not meant to be together when he finds that Ms. Havisham did not leave him his fortune and they become friends. C. Even though Estella is cruel and unable to love, because of her upbringing by Ms. Havisham who had been hurt by men and raised Estella to be hard and tough, Pip still loved Estella. 1. Almost the whole book Pip is convinced that him and Estella are meant to be together forever. 2. Pip is innocent and naive and never utters a complaint even when Estella treats him so poorly. 3. Pip looks forward to visiting Estella, he thinks about her all the time and sees her as much as possible even thought she is so mean to him. A. Over time Estella went through great changes in the way she viewed Pip ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Corporate Governance Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Corporate Governance - Coursework Example In addition, the 2007 global economic crisis can be attributed to the corporate governance failure to a great extent. This paper will explore the practical strategies which would improve current corporate governance system in UK. Corporate governance The concept of corporate governance underwent tremendous changes from period to period since its origin. Managements always pay attention to update their corporate governance strategy in accordance with the needs of time. The corporate governance policy also maintains the relationship among the stakeholders and the objectives of the organisation (OECD). In case of contemporary business concerns, the external stakeholder groups mainly include shareholders, creditors, suppliers, and customers while board of directors, executives, and employees. Top level mangers always focus on the impact of their corporate governance strategy on economic efficiency in addition to a strong emphasis on shareholder values. Since a series of corporate failure s in 2001 were attributed to accounting fraud, today organisations give focus on internal check policies while formulating their corporate governance strategy. ... The corporate governance practices are largely different across the globe. The Continental Europe’s multi-stakeholder model gives first priority to the interests of workers, customers, managers, and suppliers whereas the Anglo-American corporate governance model mainly recognises the interests of shareholders (Vasilescu, 2008). Continental European countries like Germany and Holland possess two-tiered Board of Directors with intent to improve their corporate governance practices. The main point of difference in corporate difference between United Kingdom and United States is that in UK, the CEO generally does not hold the chairmanship of the board whereas in US, the CEO also serves as the Chairman of Board. Corporate governance in UK In the opinion of Roberts (2011), the balance of power between the board of directors and the general meeting primarily constitutes corporate governance of a UK company. Generally, the term â€Å"governance†is used to refer to principles m entioned in the UK Corporate Governance Code. The UK Corporate Governance Code 2010 is a set of corporate governance principles which aim the improved performance of the listed companies on the London Stock Exchange (Harbottle and Lewis). Financial Service Authority’s Listing Rules demand the public listed companies to disclose how they have abided by the proposed code and explain where and why they have ignored the rule. Private companies are also encouraged to follow these corporate governance guidelines even though it is not a compulsory requirement in private firm accounts. This Code contains a principles-based approach and a rules-based approach; the former provides strategies for best practice while the
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